Zarząd Główny Kongresu Polonii Kanadyjskiej jest świadomy treści listu otwartego podpisanego przez Bartłomieja Habrowskiego w imieniu organizacji zrzeszonych w Kongresie Polonii Kanadyjskiej w Okręgu Toronto.

Uprzejmie informujemy, że wyżej wspomniany list nie reprezentuje oficjalnego stanowiska Zarządu Głównego Kongresu Polonii Kanadyjskiej.

Należy ten list traktować wyłącznie, jako opinię sygnatariusza.

Zarząd Główny Kongresu Polonii Kanadyjskiej jest dumny ze swojej długiej historii realizacji celów określonych w naszych artykułach kontynuacyjnych.


The Canadian Polish Congress National Executive Board is aware of the content of the open letter signed by Bartłomiej Habrowski on behalf of organizations affiliated to the Canadian Polish Congress Toronto District.

Please note that the aforementioned letter does not represent the official position of the National Executive Board of the Canadian Polish Congress.

As such, it should be considered solely the opinion of the signatory.

The Canadian Polish Congress National Executive Board is proud of its long history of advancing the purposes outlined in our corporate articles of continuance.



The purposes of the Corporation are:

  1. To represent Canada’s Polish community, it’s interests and the interests of Polish Canadians.
  2. To unify, co-ordinate and support Polish Canadian organizations and their work in Canada.
  3. To advocate for and promote the rights of Polish Canadians to full and equal participation in all aspects of Canadian society.
  4. To promote awareness of and respect for Poland’s history and heritage, and the contribution of Poles and Poland to the culture of Canada and the world.
  5. To encourage and support the participation of youth in the propagation and continuation of Polish language, culture and traditions, and in Polish Canadian organizations.
  6. To defend the rights and the good name of the Polish Nation, including propagating the accurate presentation of Polish history and culture.
  7. To support and assist Polish immigrants with settlement and adjustment to life in Canada
  8. To maintain constructive relationships with other ethnic communities in the spirit of multi-culturalism
  9. To advocate and support the Polish nation’s right to sovereignty, freedom and independence; and
  10. To maintain positive relations with Poland and it’s representatives in Canada while retaining full independence from the government of the Republic of Poland.